When it comes to marketing emergencies, you need a qualified healthcare digital marketing agency. No one knows how to handle digital marketing in healthcare quite like our healthcare marketing firm, Marena Cosmos. As a leading healthcare digital marketing company, our team has years of experience in healthcare brand management, pharmaceutical marketing communications, hospital digital marketing, and advertising.
Becoming one of the top healthcare marketing agencies and pharmaceutical marketing companies has required us to become experts in all aspects of digital marketing in healthcare to produce consistent results for our clients.
Here is one client’s story of success after choosing Marena Cosmos as their go-to hospital digital agency.
Client’s Barrier to Successful Hospital Digital Marketing
One of the world’s largest hospitals needed to organize and share marketing and advertising resources to ensure brand continuity and essential marketing communications.
Being an experienced hospital digital agency, we knew we could achieve those goals through an online brand center built with IMPGo and Magento technologies.
We leveraged the power of IMPGo, alongside our hospital digital marketing solutions to design a state-of-the-art mobile responsive cloud solution that would be used by thousands of employees.
In the past requests for brand guidelines campaigns, logos, photography, files and printing were all submitted to marketing via email, phone calls, or in many instances ordered again and again from different creative agencies.
The marketing, creative, and communications department were desperately seeking to solve this problem with smart technology, not any additional agency or human resources.
Client’s Hospital Digital Marketing Objective
The marketing team at NYP was looking to improve how it could support marketing and corporate communications initiatives across all of its campuses and divisions.
This was an effort to instill brand consistency, leverage the success of advertising and marketing campaigns across multiple divisions, and at the same time, reduce costs by centralizing production.
It was recognized that it would be much easier to use, and save an enormous amount of time for the campuses, to produce consistently branded materials.
After discussions with the marketing team at NYP, it was understood that the project would require a customized Integrated Marketing Portal (IMP), replacing the existing Brand Center with a complete marketing portal.
The new portal would need to include an interactive brand guide, the ability to customize branded templates, and the ability to order printing or download the necessary design template files to be printed on local office printers.
Client’s Hospital Digital Marketing Needs
NYP required that their Integrated Marketing Portal and Brand Center be fully integrated with the following hospital digital marketing needs.
- A seamless experience between the Brand Center experience and the order process, creating one central dashboard.
- Users’ ability to edit the Brand templates and then either download or order them.
- Utilize the best of what has been created for the Brand Center to create the most effective user experience for all segments of the IMP
- Single user name and password schema to allow for single sign-on.
- IMP with a fully enabled e-commerce, shopping cart, and checkout experience.
- Access to the logos and brand images the marketing team shares in the system.
Our Hospital Digital Agency Solutions
Marena Cosmos worked with IMPGo, our preferred marketing, and brand management platform to provide the hospital with an all-in-one secure service cloud solution. The solutions at IMPGo help us become a leading healthcare digital marketing agency.
Digital Marketing in Healthcare Solutions IMPGo Provides:
- Onboarding
- Single Source Media Resources
- Organizes Files and Templates
- Print Procurement
- Brand Management
Marena Cosmos Healthcare Marketing Firm Results for NYP:
The results of our digital marketing project for NYP were successful on multiple levels, meeting all of their hospital digital marketing needs.
Highlights of Project Successes
- Our client received a promotion thanks to the many digital tech solutions we provided.
- The hospital is saving money by reducing purchasing and procurement costs through our unique print procurement process.
- Organization is more efficient, resulting in valuable time savings, and reducing overall labor costs.
- New hires and employees are impressed with the efficiency of the organization, strengthening employee buy-in and reducing employee turnover.
- Users are very happy with the marketing team thanks to the streamlined organization and communication tools, improving morale and empowering employees to collaborate.
- All of these repeated time, employee, and cost savings from our digital marketing and technology solutions continue to provide proof of return on investment over and over again.
With our access to today’s most cutting-edge tech and tested digital marketing solutions, the Marena Cosmos team has helped the transition and refresh of multiple new brands. We pride ourselves in being one of the top healthcare marketing agencies and pharmaceutical marketing companies assisting hospitals, medical providers, and other healthcare industry businesses.
Success stories like these showcase our proven track record as a leading healthcare digital marketing company. Contact us today so we can get your healthcare business from where it is now, to the future state of success you’ll achieve by working with Marena Cosmos.
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