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Search Engine Optimization Can Make or Break Your Black Friday Sales Goals

How to get your website ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday and why Search Engine Optimization may be the best place to start

Marena Cosmos recently published an article on Forbes that examined the importance of Holiday Search Engine Optimization and how it may be a helpful strategy for ecommerce store owners to increase their sales this 2020 holiday season. 

2020, the Year of Covid-19, will go down in history as one of the most difficult years for most businesses, so any opportunity to increase revenue via increased web traffic could be an enormous help to them. But where do you start? 

If you went through the Search Engine Keyword discovery process when you did your original Search Engine Optimization work on your website, you probably remember trying to come up with the best keywords that were most relevant to your prospective customers or existing customers. Now imagine what your business’ keywords would be during the holidays. Google Search, Bing Search and all other “contextual” search engines use “natural language” and “keywords” to increase successful matches between you (the person doing the search) and the website it is trying to match you to (SERP – search engine results page).  Your site needs to rank based on relevance of keywords related to the holidays. Once you create your keyword list, go back into your site and adjust your relevant keywords either temporarily include these keywords or build landing pages or a holiday microsite to submit to the search engines. 

Want to learn more about this strategy or need a professional team to support your online ecommerce business or digital marketing efforts?
We would love to talk to you about your business. 


Read the full article in Forbes here: Practical Ideas to get your ecommerce business CYBER MONDAY Ready 

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